Membership of The National Council for Voluntary Organisations
The International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) is a member of The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations champions the voluntary sector by connecting, representing and supporting voluntary organisations. It works to help voluntary organisations and volunteers make the biggest difference they can. The NCVO’s team of researchers undertake a huge range of work to support the members and the sector to make as big an impact as possible by having access to the highest quality evidence.
The NCVO information and guidance lives over on NCVO Knowhow Nonprofit, where there is guidance on topics from how to start a charity, to funding, managing people and volunteers, and governance.
The NCVO has been here for over 100 years. They have over 17,000 members, made up of all causes, shapes and sizes. From big charities to local sports clubs.
NVCO members are at the heart of everything we do.