Coaching Psychology International (CPI) Volume 16
CPI Volume 16, Article 1. Citation: O’Riordan, S. (2022). Editorial – supporting our coaching psychology community. Coaching Psychology International, 16, 1, 1-3.
CPI Volume 16, Article 2.Citation: Kennedy, J. J., & Palmer, S. (2023). Can organisational neuroscience inform the practice of coaching psychology and team coaching psychology? Coaching Psychology International, 16, 2, 1-7.
CPI Volume 16, Article 3. Citation: Panchal, S. (2023). Reproductive realities and career crossroads: Reflections on maternity and mid-life/menopause coaching within the workplace. Coaching Psychology International, 16,3, 1-5.
CPI Volume 16, Article 4. Citation: Housden, C. (2023). Book Review: The Fertile Void. Coaching Psychology International, 16, 4, 1-3.
CPI Volume 16, Article 5. Citation: Garcia, H., & Palmer, S. (2023). What is Agile Coaching? Coaching Psychology International, 16, 5, 1-5.
CPI Volume 16. Article 6, Citation: O’Riordan, S., Lynden, J., & Arroll, M. (2023). Using the PARTNERSHIP animal centred coaching framework to support pet custodians and professionals to enhance animal welfare. Coaching Psychology International, 16, 6, 1-7.
CPI Volume 16. Article 7, Citation: Tan, C. (2023). Singapore Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (SPS Coaching Psychology SIG) Annual Report, 2023. Coaching Psychology International, 16, 7, 1-3.
CPI Volume 16. Article 8, Citation: Wang, Q., & Palmer, S. (2023). Educational coaching: How coaching and coaching psychology can be applied in education? Coaching Psychology International, 16, 8, 1-5.
CPI Volume 16. Article 9, Citation: McCormick, I. A. (2023). Case Conceptualisation using Schema Coaching Analysis: An Illustrative Case Study Coaching Psychology International, 16, 9, 1-7.
CPI Volume 16. Article 10, Citation: Wrogemann, G. (2023). Interest Group in Coaching & Consulting Psychology (IGCCP) – South Africa. Coaching Psychology International, 16, 10, 1-4