ISCP Reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies & organisations
The International Society for Coaching Psychology has reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies.
Currently it has Memorandum of Understandings (MOU) with the Society for Industrial & Organisational Psychology South Africa (SIOPSA), SIOPSA Interest Group in Coaching and Consulting Psychology (IGCCG), Society for Coaching Psychology Italy (SCPI), Israel Association for Coaching Psychology (IACP)*, Col·legi Oficial de Psicòlegs de Catalunya (COPC), Coachande Psykologer (Sweden), Hungarian Association for Coaching Psychology (HACP), Hungarian Psychological Association (HPA), New Zealand Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (NZPsS CPSIG, New Zealand), the American Psychological Association, Society of Consulting Psychology (Division 13, APA), the Society for Evidence Based Coaching of the Danish Psychological Society (SEBC DPS), the Swiss Society for Coaching Psychology (SSCP), the Singapore Psychological Society Coaching Psychology Special Interest Group (SPS Coaching Psychology SIG).
These agreements bring benefits to members of all the organisations involved.
The International Society also has a reciprocal relationship with Coaching at Work magazine.
The Coaching Knowledge Portal
The ISCP is a professional body knowledge provider of the Coaching Knowledge Portal, which is initiated by the Future of Coaching Collaboration (FCC). The Coaching Knowledge Portal allows anyone interested in coaching, as a contributor or user, (e.g. potential organisational purchasers of coaching, individual clients, researchers, policy makers and new students of coaching) to access information about the contribution to original coaching knowledge by various providers.