Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a list of FAQ’s, please also explore our website for more detailed information.

What is coaching psychology?

The practice of coaching psychology may be described as a process for enhancing well-being and performance in personal life and work domains underpinned by models of coaching grounded in established adult and child learning or psychological theories and approaches. It is practised by qualified coaching psychologists who have relevant qualifications, and have undertaken suitable continuing professional development and supervised practice. As an international professional body the Society acknowledges that pre-requisites for the status of qualified psychologist are based on regionally or nationally recognized qualifications.

How do I become a Coaching Psychologist?

This depends upon the country you are licenced or registered in. The ISCP offers an accreditation system for coaching psychologists.

What are the benefits of joining the Society?

You may find it helpful to visit the Membership Benefits page of our website for further information.

What levels of membership are available?

Please review the pages on Membership Levels for further information.

How do I submit an application form?

Membership applications are available via our website.

Please ensure that you submit the name and email address of your referee. Please note that if you are applying for Associate level membership you will be required to submit a copy of your graduate psychology certificate and if you are applying for MISCP membership status you will be required to submit a copy of your psychologist’s registration certificate.

All other applications forms (e.g. Accreditation, Course/workshop recognition, Approved centre) should be sent via e-mail to our membership administrative team (details on the relevant application form).

Do I need a recognised degree in Psychology to apply for membership of the Society?

This is a pre-requisite for most levels of membership. However, individuals with a general interest in coaching psychology can apply to join as an Affiliate member of ISCP.

Associate members of the ISCP (AssocMISCP) are persons who hold a recognised degree in psychology, entitling associate/graduate member status (or equivalent) of a nationally recognized professional psychology body.

Members (MISCP) are persons who hold a recognised undergraduate degree in psychology and are also qualified psychologists or hold an equivalent professional status with a recognised National Register for psychologists in their state or country.

Further details are available in the Membership Categories page of the Society’s website.

Who can I list as a reference on my membership application form?

When applying for membership of the ISCP you are asked to provide contact details for a professional reference (e.g. from a professional colleague who knows of your work). Please note that the Society’s preferred method of communication with referees is via email.

If applying for MISCPAccred status at a later date you will be required to provide a Supervisors reference who should hold a nationally recognised qualification in your country (e.g. Chartered Psychologist in the UK, Registered Psychologist in Australia, state licensed in USA).

Following this, if you are applying for accredited Supervisor status you will need to provide professional references from two qualified psychologists who are able to provide an opinion regarding your work in this area. At least one referee is to have MISCP membership status of the Society.

I have sent a message to the ISCP via the ‘Contact Us’ form on the website or via email. How long will it take before I receive a response?

We aim to respond to enquiries with 21 days. However, this may vary during busy periods and we thank you in advance for your patience.

What accreditation/certification pathways does the Society have?

i) A pathway is available to qualified psychologists who are members of the Society (MISCP). This process to accreditation/certification is a route by which individuals provide evidence of their existing status as a qualified psychologist. By laying claim to the title of a qualified psychologist you are required to submit evidence with your application that your qualifications are considered to currently meet the criteria of a qualified psychologist via the accepted level of membership of your national psychology body.

ii) A portfolio system, offered to graduate Associate members of the Society (AssocMISCP), which enables them to progress towards becoming an MISCP member of the Society by building up a portfolio of coaching psychology learning and competencies.

iii) An accreditation/certification route for coaching psychology supervisors.

The Society also has Specialist Registers in the areas of Positive Psychology or Business Psychology, further details are available here.

Does the ISCP have a formal training accreditation program or process?

The Society has a system for Approved Centres and a separate system for Recognised Courses/Workshops. Please explore our website for further information.

Does the ISCP set out the frequency and number of Supervision sessions required?

Currently the Society does not have specific requirements about frequency or number of supervision sessions, this is mainly because we are aware that many coaching psychologists engage in a variety of activities to meet their supervision needs that may not necessarily always be based on a more formal one-to-one supervision relationship. However, when applying for MISCP Accredited status we do ask the supervisor to provide a brief summary in the reference to show what they are basing their support of the person’s application to become an accredited/certified member of the ISCP on (e.g. in terms of coaching psychology skills, experience, attitude to CPD and professional standards).

Why are currency conversion rates not provided for membership fees?

Because of the Society’s relationships with professional coaching psychology bodies from around the world we have not to date provided conversion exchange rates for different currencies from the British pound. Currently as we use a paypal system for membership fees we suggest that a cross check can be made via on-line currency converters.

Who can access the Members Area of the website?

This section is not available on our new website.

Where can I source the ISCP logos?

If you are a member of the Society please e-mail us at membership@isfcp.info stating the logo you would like us to forward to you.

Does the ISCP publish a journal?

Yes, the Society’s e-journal is called Coaching Psychology International. It also sponsors the peer reviewed publications, the European Journal of Applied Positive Psychology and the International Journal of Coaching Psychology.

Where can I find the Society’s Code of Ethics?

The ISCP Code of Ethics and Guide to Coaching Psychology Practice is available on our website.

What reciprocal arrangements with other organisations does the Society have?

The ISCP has reciprocal agreements with other professional bodies, please see our website for further information.

All coaching psychologists who are members of a professional body where the ISCP has a reciprocal arrangement will be offered automatically free Affiliate membership of ISCP, access to the website and the publication Coaching Psychology International.

We also have a reciprocal relationship with Coaching at Work magazine.

I am a member of a professional body that has an MoU with ISCP. What membership status does this provide?

This would automatically qualify you for free affiliate membership of the ISCP. Please see our website for further details of membership categories.  If you wish to join the Members Area of our website please email us at membership@isfcp.info stating your name and details of the professional body of which you are a member. This will enable us to verify your affiliate status.

If I am a member of a professional body that has an existing MoU with ISCP do I still need to renew my annual MISCP membership with the ISCP?

Whilst this arrangement qualifies you for free affiliate membership of ISCP, you will still need to annually renew your MISCP membership and pay the appropriate fee if you wish to maintain this level of membership status.

The use of the title ‘coaching psychologist’ or ‘ISCP Accredited Coaching Psychologist’

As an international professional body, the International Society for Coaching Psychology (ISCP) acknowledges that pre-requisites for the status of a qualified psychologist are based on nationally recognised qualifications. Countries (and states within them) may have different regulations regarding psychology practice, statutory regulation, professional memberships and registers that allow a person to work in the different domains of psychology. ISCP accreditation and certification system does not guarantee equivalence and does not offer a right to practise in countries. However, most importantly, it will ensure that ISCP Accredited or Certified Coaching Psychologists have to maintain appropriate annual Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Continuing Professional Education (CPE) and obtain regular supervision or consultation for their coaching psychology practice. This will benefit the practitioner, their coachees and client organisations.

Members need to take responsibility for ascertaining the use of the title ‘psychologist’ or adjectival titles including ‘coaching psychologist’ and ‘accredited coaching psychologist’ in their country of practice. In some countries, there may be no legal restriction on using the title ‘psychologist’ and/or ‘coaching psychologist’. However, a country’s national professional psychology body may wish to restrict their own members from using specific titles. Due to the legal complexities at an international level, the ISCP cannot provide guidance in the use of the title ‘coaching psychologist’ except when the ISCP has a dual accreditation agreement with a professional coaching psychology body.

What is a Friend of the Society’s Social Network?

These are individuals with a general interest in coaching psychology who have joined one of the ISCP Social Networking Groups. Friends of the Society’s Social Network shall not be entitled to vote at meetings of the Company, nor use post-nominal letters, nor describe themselves as coaching psychologists unless appropriately qualified.